Sunday, June 13, 2010

Our amazing grandpa

In grandpa's matric certificate from Manchester Grammar School, awarded in 1908, he studied English Composition and Literature, English History, Greek, Latin, French, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Physics, Chemistry, Hygiene - and got distinctions for Latin and Greek.

The local paper reported: "To write that the Farnworth Amateur Operatic Society "scores another success" would really mean that the society maintains the high standard we have come to associate with its productions. And this is the case with the production of "The Vagabond King" given in its first performance on Monday in the Ritz Theatre and continuing each evening for a week with a matinee on Saturday afternoon.

"Dennis L. Richardson made the old rogue, Tabarie, into a rich, ripe Lancastrian Falstaff of a Frenchman. Philosophy and facetiousness, comedy and cowardice, bravery and braggadocio, loyalty and love were all superbly mixed by Mr Richardson."

He was a major in the British army - surviving both first and second world wars. Eisenhowers message to the armed forces is a grim reminder of this past reality.

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