Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Thousand Splendid Suns


"A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini

Those who were amazed by "The Kite Runner" or who saw the movie based on the book, will probably already have read this book by the same author.

But it is the depth of the writing and perception into character that is what is stunning in the novels.

"The Kite Runner" focused on the lives of two boys, growing into manhood, but "A Thousand Splendid Suns" focuses on two little girls becoming women in one of the most difficult times in Afghanistan's history.

First the city of Kabul is invaded by the Russians. Then when the Russians retreat, it is re-invaded by its own "heroic" freedom fighters - the Mujahideen. The people who suffer most are the ordinary folk of town and country, especially the vulnerable women and children.

Hosseini's insight into characters of all ages, sexes and backgrounds is incredible. To read the book is to become the character; living the life of Mariam or Laila; feeling the brick and concrete and hearing the sounds of shells and bombs hitting the city; enduring it all with quiet desperation, tenacity and yet with complete determination to triumph.

This book is like a carpet, woven with multicoloured threads, yielding a masterpiece.

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