Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hot chocolate cake

There is nothing quite like the smell of cake baking in the kitchen. Add cocoa to that and it is pretty close to heaven. I would like to rain blessings down on those who first discovered the magic of the cocoa bean - was it the Aztecs? My daughter says cake is supposed to cool off, just as pudding is supposed to be hot. Does anyone know why? Cake, warm from the oven, topped with a glace icing tastes so great - even better with ice-cream. The contrast in taste, texture and temperature!

Okay, the reason for extolling the virtues of the kitchen, is a rainy day, when dogs are literally chasing each other's tails and chewing up anything that doesn't move, a child on holiday and a rented DVD that didn't want to work. We have been going through a Bruce-Lee/Jackie Chan marathon. The young man at the video shop said, "For a boy, well..." and proceeded with suggestions while I just thought, "Hmmm, he doesn't know some girls..." I mean, what girl can resist Bruce-Lee flying through the air and laying waste to tables, chairs and assorted villains?

Now the dogs have fallen asleep, I can hear raindrops on the roof and a stew is bubbling slowly on the stove. Peace! Until the next, "Mom!"