Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mao's Last Dancer


by Li Cunxin


If there was ever a man able to see the silver lining in every cloud, Li Cunxin must be that man. His memoir of a childhood spent in poverty in Mao's China, growing up to become a world renowned ballet soloist sold over 400 000 copies. It has now been made into a major feature film and the novel released in a new edition with three extra chapters.

It is a life story that readers will not want to put down because combined with the desperate poverty, are the hopes and dreams of a child that will not be extinguished. Ironically, one of the main reasons for never having enough food - that of having a large family and six other brothers - is the source of Li Cunxin's strength. He recalls his family passing a piece of food around from plate to plate - each one trying to feed it to the other. He also recounts a tale of boys chasing a rat and burrowing into its hole to steal its hidden store of peanuts.

From a family of peasants, Li Cunxin is recruited to be a member of the Bejing Dance Academy. He withstands great suffering and hardship to progress in his ballet and his studies, but his outlook is always so positive and hopeful that he always seems to be looking beyond the immediate, stark reality and delighting in the smallest of pleasures.

One example is his delight in birds and crickets. As a child he could not have had a pet. No one in his community had a pet cat or dog. As he states, they were so hungry, they would have eaten these. Instead he and his brothers find the bravest of crickets as pets. And he tries to keep birds.

He is given the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study in America and is overwhelmed by the prosperity and freedoms he experiences. This, together with a newfound romance, convinces him to defect from communist China - a decision that puts his life in jeopardy.

From meetings with President Bush to the incredible Barishnykov, this life story is full of surprises. Perhaps none more than the peasant who gets to perform the role of prince.

This is a wonderfully uplifting story that shows how a man can meet with constant adversity, yet rise above it with great determination and humanity.

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