Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ruby Employers

Proverbs 31 verse 10 says how hard it is to find a "capable wife" who is "worth far more than jewels" and goes on to explain the skill of effective housekeeping.

But there should be an award - the Ruby Award - for the rare excellence of the "capable" employer who is not merely able to hire and pay staff, but is also a person worthy of respect in their eyes. This rare person would be someone who honoured his staff, not for high sales totals, but for being honest and having integrity. This employer would inspire people to want to work for them.

Are there such Ruby Employers out there? Men or women who know the true value within the hearts of their employees - to the extent that they see these people not as numbers or salary figures or labourers - but as colleagues?

This person would truly teach staff, not how to dodge work, call in sick or hide in their cubicles, but how to emerge and show their true colours. To inspire and motivate and know that each person can fulfill their potential. This person would accomplish that most elusive goal - of seeing each employee go home happy and further - return happy - to continue working the next day.

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