Saturday, June 12, 2010

Brandy Tart

Brandy Tart

250g packet stoned dates, chopped
250ml boiling water
5ml bicarb of soda
125g margarine, softened
200g sugar
2 eggs, beaten
2ml salt
2ml baking powder
190g flour, sifted
60g pecan nuts, chopped

400g sugar
10ml margarine
250ml water
200ml brandy
5ml vanilla essence

1. Soak chopped dates in boiling water with bicarb
2. Cream margarine and sugar till pale and fluffy. Beat in eggs
3. Sift together dry ingredients. Fold into creamed mixture alternately with date mix. Add nuts
4. Turn into two greased pie plates (or one large)
5. Bake at 190 degrees C for 20 minutes

Boil sugar, margarine and water to form thickish syrup.
Remove from heat, add brandy and vanilla

Remove tarts from oven, prick all over and pour syrup over.

Serves 8 with cream or ice-cream

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