Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Racing - Playstation or for real?

Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson answered the question on everyone's lips: "If you can race really fast on Playstation - could you do the same thing on a real track in a real car?"

Well, maybe not everyone is asking that question. But I'm sure there are many sofa-race-car drivers and beanbag top-gun pilots who have always wondered whether they could cut the mustard in reality. And there are those simulation computer-type games used by the army, navy and NASA - aren't there?

So Jeremy timed himself on his Playstation race and then took off for the real track and timed himself again, and wouldn't you know it? He could not beat his Playstation time. He was really faster on the sofa than on the track. When it came to those scarey turns at high speed, he couldn't help braking.
One doesn't have those fears in a game.

In fact, I am extremely good at crashing on the very first Playstation turn, driving into railings, driving backwards, driving forwards - in the wrong direction - and generally losing every time I play my daughter. Which is why I never play racing games. She knows by now not to ask. She even says, "But mom, this time I'll let you win." But somehow even that is not enough.

Speed away Sonic Hedgehog and Crash Bandicoot. I know my limitations. I will stick to games I have half a chance of surviving the first round. Like Lego Starwars or Lego Batman. My character survives, even if I accidentally jump off cliffs. Oh, yes. Another thing I'm not so good at. Jumping - then there is flying. Navigation. It's best if she plays and I make helpful suggestions...

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